432Hz Taps Vapur For a Special Take on Its ECLIPSE 1L ANTI BOTTLE

Part of its ongoing “ESSENTIALS PROGRAMME.”

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After launching its “ESSENTIALS PROGRAMME” with a stacksto team-up, 432Hz has now collaborated with Vapur for a take on its ECLIPSE 1L ANTI BOTTLE.

Coming ahead of the fall camping season, the special bottle focuses on hydration while remaining environmentally conscious. Utilizing, 432Hz “BUSY BEE” theme, the water bottle features a black three-layer BPA, BPS and DEHP free polyethylene body. The base is approved by the USFDA (US Food & Drug Administration) and its material reduces the production of harmful germs and bad odor.

The accompanying yellow carabiner on the spill-proof Super Cap is a nod to the importance of bee in nature, while 432Hz’s new mountain-range logo, the words “WE ARE A WAY OF LIFE” and “STAY HYDRATED” printed on the bottle reflect a distinct camper mentality. It is important to note Vapur’s patented foldable 3D water bottle design emphasizes reusability, foldability, washability, freeze ability, attach ability and most sustainability.

Priced at $19 USD, the VAPUR for 432Hz ESSENTIALS PROGRAMME ECLIPSE ANTI BOTTLE is available now exclusively from 432Hz.


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[#432announcement:432Hz ESSENTIALS PROGRAMME "VAPUR for 432Hz SPECIAL ANTI-BOTTLE”] 踏入秋季,亦是戶外活動的時節,享受大自然郊遊之樂的同時,也不要忘記多喝水以補充身體所需。今周間432Hz再次發起新一回ESSENTIALS PROGRAMME,這次聯同加州的VAPUR展開合作,帶來首個VAPUR for 432Hz專屬環保水樽,提醒大家飲水的重要之餘,環保亦是我們想要宣揚的理念。 近年VAPUR成功透過REUSABLE、FOLDABLE、WASHABLE、FREEZABLE、ATTACHABLE以及SUSTAINABLE等獨特之處,分別於歐美地區掀起熱潮。今回我們就決定以儲水量達1公升(34oz)的「ECLIPSE 1L」摺疊式水樽作為原型,再特意圍繞432Hz的「BUSY BEE」主題配色概念出發,透過黑色水樽搭配黃色SUPERCAP專利樽蓋為號召,將勞碌不停的蜜蜂比喻成節奏急促的香港生活文化,並期望再一次能夠喚起大眾對於全球氣候變化等問題。至於我們今回不但將「WE ARE A WAY OF LIFE」的主題口號,特別與VAPUR的代表標誌一同擺放到水樽的正面位置,同時間更隆重其事,特別為是次聯名企劃帶來全新設計的「432hertz」山脈圖案,並配上「STAY HYDRATED」字句,無時無刻提醒大家多喝水補充身體所需。 VAPUR for 432Hz"ECLIPSE 1L"WIDE MOUTH ANTI-BOTTLE現於432Hz門市及網店同步上架。數量有限,售完即止。 - With the aim in creating the ‘anti-bottle’ which is environmentally sustainable, 3 creative Californian, David Cerwinski, Brent Reinke and Jason Carigan founded the brand VAPUR in 2009 to achieve that goal. The end product they design is reusable, lite and stay true to their environmental-conscience roots. With the impending autumn camping season approaching, 432HZ working under the [432Hz ESSENTIALS PROGRAMME] have collaborated with VAPUR on a special VAPUR for 432Hz SPECIAL ANTI-BOTTLE, keeping you hydrated while remaining environmentally conscience.VAPUR for 432Hz”ECLIPSE 1L” WIDE MOUTH ANTI-BOTTLE will be releasing at 432Hz’s physical and online shop on Saturday 19th of September and only available while stocks last. @432hz.official @vapur #432hz #432hzhk #vapur #vapurhydration #hongkong – Special thanks to @kengikwong @instaden @karnana.online

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[#432announcement:432Hz ESSENTIALS PROGRAMME "VAPUR for 432Hz SPECIAL ANTI-BOTTLE”] 踏入秋季,亦是戶外活動的時節,享受大自然郊遊之樂的同時,也不要忘記多喝水以補充身體所需。今周間432Hz再次發起新一回ESSENTIALS PROGRAMME,這次聯同加州的VAPUR展開合作,帶來首個VAPUR for 432Hz專屬環保水樽,提醒大家飲水的重要之餘,環保亦是我們想要宣揚的理念。 近年VAPUR成功透過REUSABLE、FOLDABLE、WASHABLE、FREEZABLE、ATTACHABLE以及SUSTAINABLE等獨特之處,分別於歐美地區掀起熱潮。今回我們就決定以儲水量達1公升(34oz)的「ECLIPSE 1L」摺疊式水樽作為原型,再特意圍繞432Hz的「BUSY BEE」主題配色概念出發,透過黑色水樽搭配黃色SUPERCAP專利樽蓋為號召,將勞碌不停的蜜蜂比喻成節奏急促的香港生活文化,並期望再一次能夠喚起大眾對於全球氣候變化等問題。至於我們今回不但將「WE ARE A WAY OF LIFE」的主題口號,特別與VAPUR的代表標誌一同擺放到水樽的正面位置,同時間更隆重其事,特別為是次聯名企劃帶來全新設計的「432hertz」山脈圖案,並配上「STAY HYDRATED」字句,無時無刻提醒大家多喝水補充身體所需。 VAPUR for 432Hz"ECLIPSE 1L"WIDE MOUTH ANTI-BOTTLE現於432Hz門市及網店同步上架。數量有限,售完即止。 - With the aim in creating the ‘anti-bottle’ which is environmentally sustainable, 3 creative Californian, David Cerwinski, Brent Reinke and Jason Carigan founded the brand VAPUR in 2009 to achieve that goal. The end product they design is reusable, lite and stay true to their environmental-conscience roots. With the impending autumn camping season approaching, 432HZ working under the [432Hz ESSENTIALS PROGRAMME] have collaborated with VAPUR on a special VAPUR for 432Hz SPECIAL ANTI-BOTTLE, keeping you hydrated while remaining environmentally conscience.VAPUR for 432Hz”ECLIPSE 1L” WIDE MOUTH ANTI-BOTTLE will be releasing at 432Hz’s physical and online shop on Saturday 19th of September and only available while stocks last. @432hz.official @vapur #432hz #432hzhk #vapur #vapurhydration #hongkong – Special thanks to @kengikwong @instaden @karnana.online

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In case you missed it, Nissin developed Space Cup Noodles for astronauts.

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