548 Las Vegas Wynn Resorts Staff Test Positive for COVID-19
With more than 1,000 confirmed cases across all Las Vegas casinos combined.
548 employees from the Wynn Resorts in Las Vegas has now tested positive for the coronavirus.
According to a new report from Fox 5 Vegas, the establishment — which has reopened since June 4 — has tested 15,051 of its staff, with a total of 548 tests coming back positive. 51 of those cases were discovered before the reopening, while the remaining 497 were confirmed afterward. Wynn Resorts’ contact detection staff says that 98 percent of those who have tested positive for COVID-19 have most likely contracted it outside of the hotel.
“Our goal, by implementing our Surveillance Testing Program and establishing a robust in-house contact tracing effort, is to make Wynn Las Vegas the safest place our guests and employees can go outside of their own homes,” says Wynn Resorts CEO Matt Maddox.
Beyond Wynn Resorts, The New York Times has also reported that almost 1,000 employees have tested positive for the coronavirus across various casinos and Las Vegas.
In other coronavirus-related news, Qantas is offering a seven-hour “flight to nowhere.”
Nearly 1,000 Las Vegas casino employees tested positive for the coronavirus, two of the strip’s major casino operators reported. The announcements came as bars in the city were set to reopen Sunday at midnight. https://t.co/4AN8y05K6A
— The New York Times (@nytimes) September 18, 2020