Chet Faker Returns After Four Years With New Single "Low"
Nick Murphy retired Chet Faker in September 2016.
Nick Murphy is bringing back his Chet Faker alias after four years with the brand new single, “Low.”
Clocking in at over four minutes, the song is a catchy and bass-heavy cut that hears an uplifting delivery from the Australian singer-songwriter. He touches on the feeling of despondency — a highly relatable topic during this time of COVID-19 — and picking one’s self up, singing, “Just because I feel low right now/It doesn’t mean all that I’ve got has run out.”
The last Faker release dates back to 2015’s Work, which he created in collaboration with DJ Marcus Marr. Murphy announced the retirement of his Chet Faker moniker and has since then released his debut EP under his Nick Murphy name entitled Missing Link, his debut studio album entitled Run Fast Sleep Naked and the meditative project Music for Silence.
Watch Chet Faker’s “Low” music video above.
Elsewhere in music, stream Jay Electronica’s previously unreleased album Act II: The Patents of Nobility now.