Lupe Fiasco Teases 'The Cool 2' on Twitter
Big news from the Chi-Town native.

Lupe Fiasco delivered two projects this year flexing his lyrical prowess, beginning with the well-received fifth studio album Tetsuo & Youth in January and the recently-released, Egyptian-themed EP Pharaoh Height. Although both have received praise for his complex rhymes and cohesiveness, the Chicago-native has yet to match the beauty of his second LP The Cool. However, we may soon see its followup. Lupe took to Twitter to announce The Cool 2 is in the making, however he will not answer any questions about the project just yet. Check out the tweets below and be sure to check back for any updates.
Be patient…its gonna be a while but we hard at work #staytuned #cool2
— Lupe Fiasco (@LupeFiasco) September 27, 2015
Not taking any questions at this time #cool2 thank you for you’re interest…
— Lupe Fiasco (@LupeFiasco) September 27, 2015