Jazz Cartier Drops New Album 'Fleurever'
KTOE and BLK LT$ are the only guest features.

Jazz Cartier shares his long-awaited album, Fleurever, his major label debut under Universal Music Group. The 16-track album only features guest appearances from KTOE and BLK LT$.
“The driving force of Fleurever is duality—whether it’s battling the balances of love and money, risks, and rewards, right and wrong, or living and dying,” he says in a press release. “I shed a lot of old layers in order to grow new wings.”
He further describes the concept of the LP with Billboard, he explained:
“I just find that duality is a constant thing that everyone goes through. But I think more so myself because of like how I was raised and where I was raised and things I’ve been going through. Even with all the success and everything happening like you know what a lot of shit changes in your life and people talk about cliches but cliches are cliches for a reason. You go through all of them and you just find yourself looking in the mirror and being like there’s some things I have to adjust to make sure this thing doesn’t happen again or just learning from certain mistakes and that’s the constant struggle with me and duality.”