Could J. Cole be Releasing a New Album Soon?
His cryptic tweet might suggest so.

J. Cole, as well as his Dreamville crew, took to Twitter earlier to tweet a cryptic phone number, 1-888-88-DREAM. Many of his followers and fans dialed in and, according to Reddit and a few video tweets, some actually got through. For most, it goes directly to a voicemail with J. Cole dropping a “your momma” joke. A few callers actually got to speak with the rapper and his manager Ibrahim “Ib” Hamad. While we’re not entirely sure what all this is for, Complex speculates that Cole’s Revenge of the Dreamers 2 could be coming soon, since the first compilation tape was a surprise release back in January of last year. Stay tuned and view the tweets below.
— J. Cole (@JColeNC) December 7, 2015
1-888-88-DREAM — Bas (@FiendBassy) December 7, 2015
— omen (@omen) December 7, 2015
1-888-88-DREAM — Cozz (@cody_macc) December 7, 2015
— Elite (@Elite) December 7, 2015
1-888-88-DREAM — Ibrahim H. (@KingOfQueenz) December 7, 2015
The voicemail lmao @JColeNC @KingOfQueenz
— Lucas_Dreamville© (@Lucasjbarnes) December 7, 2015
FAM ITS LIT!!!!! Thank you Cole Ib and who ever else was in the background. @KingOfQueenz @JColeNC — Ariel Bushel (@thatbandg33k) December 7, 2015