Inside Rammellzee's "A Roll of Dice" Exhibition in London
Celebrating the life of the late artist.

First announced back in August, the late Rammellzee is currently the subject of an exhibition at London’s Lazinc gallery, dubbed “RAMMΣLLZΣΣ: A Roll of Dice.” Inside, viewers are treated to a first-hand glimpse at some key pieces from the inscrutable artist’s estate.
Known for creating a wide variety of graffiti, performance art, sculptures and music, Rammellzee’s stylistic touchstones range from Afrofuturism to the self-coined school of Ikonoklast Panzerism, a refusal to pander to the conventional restraints of the alphabet. What’s on display in the exhibition is a variety of collaged artwork, seemingly straining to break free of the frames. Recalling DuChamp’s readymades, Rammellzee’s creations often fused together junk found on the street, here yielding a wristwatch encrusted in fake jewels and newspapers in place of traditional canvases.
Take a look at the exhibition above and below.
Elsewhere, we once again sat down with Takashi Murakami as he arrived in Hong Kong.