Elon Musk's $600 USD Boring Company Flamethrower Is Coming Soon
“Final production flamethrower will be better.”

Boring Company CEO Elon Musk last December promised that if he sold 50,000 Boring hats, the flamethrowers would be coming soon. It appears Musk will keep his word and release the product, as Reddit users in a few Musk-related threads noticed the URL “boringcompany.com/flamethrower” started redirecting to a page with the password “flame” allowing them access to its shop page.
The listings state the photo was a prototype and was priced at $600 USD with a disclaimer saying the “Final production flamethrower will be better.” There’s even evidence of the prototype in a photo, which is said to be an airsoft rifle modified to shoot fire. But before you get too excited, it’s all possible this could be an April Fools’ joke, as one person on Reddit stated the page said The Boring Company’s flamethrower would ship in April.