Peyton Manning Throws Shots at Kevin Durant & the Knicks During His ESPYs Opening
KD can’t take a joke.
Last night’s 25th ESPY Awards showcased just how funny Peyton Manning can be. Taking place in Los Angeles, the soon-to-be Hall of Fame quarterback took a heavy dig at Kevin Durant for moving over to the Golden State Warriors. After the jab, the cameras panned to a dead-faced Durant, who didn’t look to pleased with the joke. However, KD wasn’t the only one to get shots fired at, Manning went on to destroy the woebegone Knicks. Watch Manning’s full opening monologue above. In the speech Manning stated:
“Our gymnastics team was so dominant that Kevin Durant told me he wants to play for them next year. And I gotta tell you, I don’t think you’d start for that team, Kevin. Russell Westbrook, what do you think?”
Peyton roasted KD #ESPYS
— Bryce Wood (@woodymlb4) July 13, 2017
The look when Peyton Manning destroyed you. #ESPYS
— Matt Robbins (@ClutchCity51) July 13, 2017
Peyton Manning just stole Kevin Durant's soul 💀 #ESPYS
— TKW (@TheKyleWells) July 13, 2017