New 'Uncharted: The Lost Legacy' E3 Trailer Sheds Light on Life After Nathan Drake
Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross star in the latest ‘Uncharted’ adventure.
Nathan Drake’s storyline may have wrapped up last year, but fear not Uncharted fans: Naughty Dog is hard at work on a followup to the acclaimed Uncharted 4 and took to E3 last night to offer the best look yet at the adventure. Dubbed Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, the upcoming game — which will be available as a standalone release or as a downloadable add-on for those who bought Uncharted 4‘s Season Pass — stars Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross as they go in search of an ancient Indian artifact. The game promises all of the action-adventure elements fans of the series know and love and will see Chloe and Nadine “venture deep into the Western Ghats mountains, discover the lost cities of the Hoysala Empire, and face a ruthless warmonger, Asav.”
A PlayStation 4 exclusive, The Lost Legacy drops August 22.