'Black Mirror' Predicts the Future Again, Bee Drones Become a Reality
Looks like the scary tech future has arrived.
The Season 3 finale of Black Mirror definitely left viewers with a lot to think about. But it looks like the scary tech future has arrived as researchers in Japan have created 1.6-by-1.6-inch, insect-sized drones to help pollinate plants, hoping to help out real honeybees. The bee drones are designed with real animal hair on their backs and special sticky gel, allowing them to pick up and release pollen grains.
They are said to help out with agriculture and the economy since bees pollinate more than $15 billion USD worth of crops in the U.S. every year. So far, the drones are a long way from pollinating anything outdoors, but Japanese researcher Eijiro Miyako hopes that in the future, the drones will use a combination of AI, GPS and high-resolution cameras to become completely autonomous machines. So far the drones have not been tested on actual farms but only in the labs. Check out the video above courtesy of The Verge.