Netflix Strikes Unique Deal for Alex Garland's 'Annihilation' Adaptation
A peek into the future of film releases.

Netflix has struck a groundbreaking deal with Paramount Pictures and Skydance to receive the international rights to the Alex Garland sci-fi thriller Annihilation. The terms of the partnership will allow Netflix to bring Annihilation to its overseas streaming operations 17 days after the movie debuts in the U.S. market. As other outlets have noted, Netflix entered a similar agreement with New Line for the next iteration of the Shaft series. This move will drastically shrink the time between theatrical release and at-home viewing and streaming, and could be a sign that the entertainment industry is starting to rethink its approach to the way it rolls out films.
Set to hit U.S. theaters on February 23, 2018, Annihilation stars Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tessa Thompson, Oscar Isaac and Gina Rodriguez. The film is based on the Jeff VanderMeer novel of the same name and its official trailer surfaced back in September.