This iPhone X Developer's New App Allows You to Turn Invisible
When facial technology gets weird.

Japanese app developer Kazuya Noshiro took to Twitter to briefly show off a new app he created for the iPhone X, turning his face almost entirely invisible.
Noshiro has dabbled in making people disappear before — his company ViRD, INC. debuted VANISH360 last year, which gives users the ability to remove unwanted passersby from photographs. This new app, however, dynamically removes a person’s face in a video. Like an off-putting beauty mask, the eyes and mouth appear to float in front of the static background. With the iPhone X’s facial recognition software, the accuracy is surprisingly sharp, making the effect that much more dramatic.
The optical camouflage app hasn’t been given a release date, but stay tuned for updates. Check out the original tweet and video below. In other tech news, Caliburger is looking to streamline return customer experiences with facial recognition software.
— のしぷ (@noshipu) December 27, 2017