Lamborghini-, Mustang- and Audi-Themed Xbox Consoles Created for Forza Horizon 3
France, Germany and Australia get region specific themed consoles.

To celebrate the release of Forza Horizon 3 Xbox has released three car-themed custom consoles. The region-specific release sees France receive a retro Ford Mustang console, Germany an Audi R8, and Australia a Lamborghini design. The different regions also have specific methods of getting your hands on them. In France, you can possibly win by commenting and liking on their Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. In Germany, you have to enter a competition via Facebook (you must be a German resident to enter). And in Australia, you can enter the contest if you buy Forza 3 from the Microsoft store. If you’ve already purchased it, then you can still enter by sending Xbox Australia a private message on Facebook.