More People Now Use Snapchat Than Twitter on a Daily Basis
10 seconds > 140 characters?

According to Bloomberg, Snapchat has superseded Twitter in terms of daily users. While Twitter does not disclose its daily usage figures exactly, a recent earnings report does estimate that roughly 44% of the service’s 310 million monthly active users are active each day across the company’s top 20 markets. Calculating with these figures puts Twitter’s daily user count at 136 million. Snapchat use, meanwhile, has ballooned from 110 million daily users in December to recent figures which point upwards of 150 million.
Snapchat’s latest figures mark a huge improvement, even when compared to December’s numbers, which estimated that over 110 million people used the service on a daily basis.
This is the latest in a string of bad headlines for Twitter. The microblogging platform once touted itself as the second-largest social network after Facebook, but a bevy of competing apps, including Instagram, Messenger, Whatsapp (all owned by Facebook), and Snapchat have resulted in its stalling growth and plummeting stock.
What do you think? Can CEO Jack Dorsey right Twitter’s ship or is the future one of puppy-dog filters and self-destructing selfies? Sound off in the comments below.