Watch Ernest Hemingway Live out His Glory Days in New 'Papa: Hemingway in Cuba' Movie
Ernest Hemingway is one bad MF.
The legacy of author Ernest Hemingway will be immortalized on the big screen in upcoming film Papa: Hemingway in Cuba, which comes based off the great American novelist’s life in Havana, where he lived for years during the ’50s. The storyline follows Ed Lynch (played by Giovanni Ribisi), a humble journalist from Miami who heads to Cuba to meet the eccentric Hemingway, brilliantly portrayed by Adrian Sparks who brings a freshly painted portrait of the author whom Vulture humorously described as a “Liam Neeson in Taken, but with daiquiris.” Lynch and Hemingway bond over fishing trips (that eventually lead to the penning of fictional sequel The Old Man and the Sea 2: Time to Kick the Sea’s Teeth In) but find themselves caught between Fidel Castro’s leftist guerrilla army as the Cuban Revolution brews in the country’s belly.
From the producers of Crash and The Illusionist, this adventurous tale of American literature and adventure will be hitting theaters April 29. Until then, we’ll be waiting for a higher quality trailer to be released.