Check out the Architectural Feats of a Certified Master LEGO Builder
One of only 14 in the world.

Most of us have seen amazing builds from the tiny building blocks we know and love as LEGO, much of which appears on our site. However, the architectural feat that Master LEGO Builder Adam Reed Tucker has accomplished is worth a highlight. To start, Tucker is only one in 14 in the world who get to claim the title as “Master LEGO Builder,” and rightly so. Over a year, Tucker has spent 16 to 18 hours a day piling 6 million LEGO bricks atop one another in order to create 13 different yet equally amazing constructions: the Great Pyramid of Giza (including a removable cross-section of the maze and tunnel systems), the White House, the Burj Khalifa (which stands 12 feet tall), Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water, a 42,800-brick Hoover Dam and the piece de resistance: a 60-foot long, 64,500-brick creation of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge among others. All of the complete pieces were handmade for the engineering exhibition “Brick by Brick.”