Amazon Announces Digital Day, A 24-Hour Sales Event Over New Years
Start 2017 by emptying out your wallet.

The holiday shopping frenzy might be coming to a conclusion, but Amazon is setting up one more way for consumers to go on a spending spree before the new year begins. As revealed by a recent public announcement, the online retailer is planning to launch a 24-hour sales event called Digital Day. The daylong event will begin at 12am PST this Friday, December 30; for the duration of Digital Day, customers will be able to rack up savings that reach all the way up to 80 percent. As its name suggests, Digital Day will impact sales of digital download items such as movies, music, video games, software and comics. At present time, Amazon has yet to reveal any more specific details regarding its latest major promotion, but stay tuned as more information becomes available. For those looking to stock up on digital content, it looks like you will have one more opportunity to indulge before 2016 concludes. You can read up on Digital Day at Amazon’s official website.