adidas Introduces Its 360º Shopping Experience, Incorporates VR to E-Commerce
Along with some assistance from adidas sales associates.

Your home shopping experience has received a major upgrade thanks to adidas’ 360º Shopping Experience. Many shoppers love to buy products from the comfort of their own home or on their phone while others would rather interact with a sales associate to make sure sizing, material and additional details are perfect. Within the adidas 360º Shopping Experience, virtual reality is used to place you in an adidas flagship without physically being there. Hospitality is shared via your own sales associate who assists you in what products are available in addition to what their currently wearing and what’s on sale. Items are tagged for easy access as a simple click adds it to your shopping cart.
adidas’ 360º Shopping Experience is currently exclusive to the Three Stripes’ newest store in Stockholm, Sweden and available for the public to shop here.
Stick with us as we’ll keep you updated upon further locations where adidas’ 360º Shopping Experience will land.