The Bartesian Cocktail Machine Is Your Nespresso for Booze
Enjoy your favorite cocktail drink with the press of a button.

With all the headway coffee is making in the world of technology and becoming household names with the Keurig, Nespresso and Tassimo machines, it’s due time for another type of beverage to enjoy the automatic treatment. In comes the Bartesian, a cleverly named contraption that mixes the perfect cocktail in seconds. By mixing capsules and the necessary spirits, your favorite boozey drink can be tailored to your liking in strength. Six cocktails are available at launch, with timeless favorites such as the Margarita and Sex on the Beach, along with Bartesian signatures like the Bartesian Breeze and Uptown Rocks. Each Bartesian capsule is made with premium ingredients and tailored to taste exactly how it would be made at a bar — for a fraction of the price. Glass reservoirs house your spirits, depositing the perfect amount to taste. Check out the Bartesian’s page on Kickstarter and pledge $249 USD for your own, with a slated shipping date next spring.