Christy Turlington Burns Shares Her Experience With the Apple Watch
By following model and founder of Every Mother Counts, Christy Turlington Burns, as she actively
By following model and founder of Every Mother Counts, Christy Turlington Burns, as she actively prepares to compete in one of the world’s biggest marathons, Apple has carefully documented the advantages and benefits of its Apple Watch. Equipped with innovative technology to track progress and allow for accurate benchmarking, Christy’s training regime and the implementation of the Apple Watch into her daily routine can be followed by way of a weekly journal. Thus far, Apple have highlighted the innovative, three-technology system used to accurately record data within the watch and its applications, as well as the development process applied to the Sports Band. To follow Christy’s journey be sure to check the journal linked above and for more information on her active partition to make “pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother,” click here.