Business of Fashion Examines adidas's "Cool Factor"
Amid reports of red minuses in adidas’s net profit column for the opening half of 2014, the German

Amid reports of red minuses in adidas‘s net profit column for the opening half of 2014, the German giant–and its burgeoning fan base–has been forced to rethink its popular status. Despite its dominance in the World Cup and a bevy of strategic, sharp collaborations, the three-striped brand has been cost the last laugh–a 16% drop in gains to be specific. Some pundits chalk this up to a consequence of adidas’s budget focus on marketing the summer games, which left the brand’s myriad other concentrations to the (relative) wayside. While finance is a game of hard facts, Business of Fashion astutely introduces the intangible “cool factor” into its analysis of this occurrence. An essential read on marketing that is applicable to entrepreneurs and consumers alike, head here to read the full article on how–and whether–adidas can beat the odds using the things money can’t buy.