Essentials: Rob Myers of SLVDR
Centered around the concept of “accessible luxury,” SLVDR (pronounced sal-va-dor) was founded by

Centered around the concept of “accessible luxury,” SLVDR (pronounced sal-va-dor) was founded by Rob Myers, who successfully grew the born-in-California, influenced-by-the-world lifestyle brand over seven seasons against tough economic odds while giving back to the community through initiatives such as The Common Thread Project. If you’ve read our previous interview with him, you’ll recall that he positioned the label to serve a customer that “has an edge but is not a spectacle.” The same no-nonsense attitude with the brand could be said of his trim list of Essentials. A pair of cycling shoes, a plain white SLVDR tee, surf wax, and a photo album of his family are just a few of the essential keystones that reflect his active upbringing of boardsports and down-to-earth approach to life. Always on the search for new inspiration and ideas, his most faithful travel companions are his passport and a simple pen and note pad.