THE NORTH FACE PURPLE LABEL 2013 Leopard Print Collection
The North Face’s subsidiary line THE NORTH FACE PURPLE LABEL presents an eye-catching collection

The North Face‘s subsidiary line THE NORTH FACE PURPLE LABEL presents an eye-catching collection based on the always-popular leopard print. No stranger to streetwear designers and aficionados alike, the fetching animal print is employed predominantly over a selection of bag designs; from the backpack, tote, waist bag, down to smaller selections of packing cases, pencil case and laptop case. Meanwhile, a mountain wind parka stands strong in the mix, providing garment option to the bag-centric collection. Showcasing The North Face’s meticulous craftsmanship, the 2013 Leopoard Print collection merges the brand’s utilitarian motifs with modish head-turning designs, again spearheading the imprint’s foray into functional attire. Priced between ¥3,675 JPY-¥24,150 JPY (approximately $38 USD-$245 USD), the collection is set to be released in early July.