Dazed TV: Generation OS13 - The New Resistance Culture
Dazed Digital and Dazed TV together with director Michael Oswald and producer John-Paul Pryor
Dazed Digital and Dazed TV together with director Michael Oswald and producer John-Paul Pryor are the driving force behind a new documentary titled Generation OS13: The New Resistance Culture. The film revolves around the zeitgeist and the basis that our economy is founded on the basis of “a system of kleptocracy and the idea that radical financial reform is key to overturning the current debt-based monetary system, which effectively ties the common people into slavery from the cradle to the grave.” At the heart of it all is some strong and vivid imagery which depicts the uprising of the people with appearances from the likes of Anika, Gaggle and Saul Williams, economist Nicolas Shaxson, and Billy Childish among others.