Nas: Sly Fox
Hip Hop has always been a lightning rod for controversy in the mainstream media which never
Hip Hop has always been a lightning rod for controversy in the mainstream media which never seemed to grasp nor care for the hard hitting often explicit subject contained within the music. However, last year when Fox news attacked Nas for performing at the Virginia Tech memorial concert it was bizarre for long time and casual fans of an artist whose track record includes volumes of cerebral, intelligent and even unabashedly positive music. What is not in question is Fox’s own history of eschewed news reporting tilting extremely far to the right of most major new publications, despite of the “fair and balanced” motto they repeat constantly. In “Sly Fox”, a new track off of Nas’ new untitled album, the MC expertly defends himself against the virulent barrage the news channel inflicted upon him and comments on the stations subject matter over urgent rock riffs. Rik Cordero once again puts in work on the video which ends poignantly with a commentary on how media and information has been put back in the hands of the people.