Nicki Minaj Unleashes "Black Beatles" Remix
Nicki’s “Black Barbie” rendition of the No. 1 single.

[gallery columns="3"]After reaching the number one spot with “Black Beatles” via #MannequinChallenge, Rae Sremmurd and Gucci Mane now get the remix treatment courtesy of Nicki Minaj. The rapper jumps on the Mike WiLL Made-It instrumental and puts on for her “Black Barbies” movement saying on Instagram, “why? Cuz 2 Lil black kids got the NUMBER 1 RECORD IN THE COUNTRY & I’m soooooo happy for Mike Will. Now that! *my baby Phaedra voice* #SremmLife #MikeWillMadeIt Guwop on the nmbr one record in the country.” Listen in below.