
Xiaomi Launches 1548 Horsepower SU7 Ultra

Xiaomi Launches 1548 Horsepower SU7 Ultra

Powered by three high performance electric motors.

Xiaomi's SU7 EV Sees an Almost Instant Sell-Out

Xiaomi's SU7 EV Sees an Almost Instant Sell-Out

With orders for 2024 maxed out in just 24 hours from its launch.

Xiaomi Unveils SU7 EV, Designed By Former BMW and Mercedes-Benz Designers

Xiaomi Unveils SU7 EV, Designed By Former BMW and Mercedes-Benz Designers

Claiming it outperforms Porsche and features more tech than Tesla EVs.

Meta and Xiaomi Look to the Future of AR Glasses In This Week’s Tech Roundup
Tech & Gadgets 

Meta and Xiaomi Look to the Future of AR Glasses In This Week’s Tech Roundup

We also sat down with Alex Klein, co-creator of the Stem Player.

Xiaomi Unveils Its New Wireless AR Glasses
Tech & Gadgets

Xiaomi Unveils Its New Wireless AR Glasses

“Driving forward the seamless crossover between virtual and real worlds.”

Check Out Xiaomi's New Line of Flagship Smartphones, 13 and 13 Pro
Tech & Gadgets

Check Out Xiaomi's New Line of Flagship Smartphones, 13 and 13 Pro

The Pro features a wraparound-style touchscreen.

Xiaomi's New Concept Phone Can Be Equipped With Any Leica M Lens
Tech & Gadgets

Xiaomi's New Concept Phone Can Be Equipped With Any Leica M Lens

Best. Phone. Camera. Ever.

Xiaomi's "Metal Bro" Is the Brand's First Working Humanoid Robot
Tech & Gadgets

Xiaomi's "Metal Bro" Is the Brand's First Working Humanoid Robot

Capable of recognizing 45 different human emotions.

Xiaomi's "MiGu Headband" Controls Smart Devices With Thoughts
Tech & Gadgets

Xiaomi's "MiGu Headband" Controls Smart Devices With Thoughts

Progressing beyond controlling smart devices with apps and voice commands.

Xiaomi's New Electric Scooter 4 Pro Can Reach 25km/h With 45km of Range
Tech & Gadgets

Xiaomi's New Electric Scooter 4 Pro Can Reach 25km/h With 45km of Range

Constructed with aerospace-grade aluminum.

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