By Walid

By Walid

Check Out HYPEBEAST's Favorite Pieces From Browns' Curated Conscious Month Edit

Check Out HYPEBEAST's Favorite Pieces From Browns' Curated Conscious Month Edit

Presented by Browns
Showcasing the stand-out labels promoting a greener planet.

By Walid Stitches Antique Italian Textiles onto Inno Mocassins

By Walid Stitches Antique Italian Textiles onto Inno Mocassins

Featuring intricate top-stitching.

By Walid Upgrades the Classic Bomber With Vibrant Patchwork Design

By Walid Upgrades the Classic Bomber With Vibrant Patchwork Design

Stitched with colorful florals.

By Walid Releases Upcycled Patchwork Tricot Hayden Jackets

By Walid Releases Upcycled Patchwork Tricot Hayden Jackets

Highlighting its characteristic use of antique fabrics and sashiko embroidery.

By Walid Releases 19th-Century Textile Sneakers in Vibrant Pink Colorway

By Walid Releases 19th-Century Textile Sneakers in Vibrant Pink Colorway

Crafted with Sashiko embroidery.

Browns Introduces Conscious Collection With LVMH-Nominee Duran Lantink

Browns Introduces Conscious Collection With LVMH-Nominee Duran Lantink

Alongside an edit featuring Rick Ownes, Bode, By Walid and more.

By Walid Crafts Sashiko Tapestry Messenger Bag

By Walid Crafts Sashiko Tapestry Messenger Bag

Made from recycled vintage fabric.

By Walid's Plush Sandals Are Made From 17th-Century Tapestry

By Walid's Plush Sandals Are Made From 17th-Century Tapestry

The epitome of comfort and old-world luxury.

By Walid's Chinese Textile Trainers Get Draped in White

By Walid's Chinese Textile Trainers Get Draped in White

Featuring 19th century fabrics.

By Walid Elevates the Trainer With Ancient Chinese Textiles

By Walid Elevates the Trainer With Ancient Chinese Textiles

Five new premium styles from the upcycled brand.


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