TOHO Announces Production for ‘Dr Stone: Science Future’
The last and final season of the anime.
The final episode of the third anime season of Dr. Stone: New World finished airing yesterday. Shortly after, TOHO Animation released a teaser announcing that production for the anime’s final season had begun.
Adapted from Boichi and Riichirou Inagaki’s popular shonen manga, Dr. Stone has received three anime seasons and one feature film since 2019. Season 3’s last episode laid the first steps to reach the end of the story. In the episode, Senku successfully revived Tsukasa from his petrification to proceed with his next big plan — to go to the moon. However, before that’s made possible, Senku and his squad first need to gather the materials that are imperative for their space program.
Considering the amount of story arcs that were in the original following the events of Dr. Stone: New World, fans are skeptical whether another 12-episode two-part season will offer enough air time to close out the series.
As of now, no further information has been announced regarding the anime’s release timeframe. In the meantime, keep an eye out for updates on the anime’s official website and social media.