Moya Garrison-Msingwana Released an Intricate Sculpture Called 'SNH_003'
Made in conjunction with Sy Blake and Letter Bet.

Moya Garrison-Msingwana (also known as GANGBOX) worked with Letter Bet on a new limited series of 50 resin sculptures, dubbed SNH_003. Drawing from his interests in anime and street culture, the Toronto-based illustrator is well-known for fashion studies that inject popular culture with the far throes of his imagination.
Created in conjunction with 3D modeler Sy Blake, the sculpture is the third installment in a series of artworks depicting Afrocentric people as protagonists dedicated to outdoor exploration, an uncommon image outside of the “ethnic” or “local guide” trope.
The hand-painted sculpture comes in a specially designed box using reclaimed wood, natural honey stain, and features a tasteful plexiglass glass cover with screen printed text. SNH_003 is currently available to purchase via Letter Bet for $590 USD. Due to the delicate nature of the artwork, please be advised that shipping can take up to four to six weeks.
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