Ecco2k Frolics in an Illuminated Bliss Field for "Security!" Visual
Accompanying the physical release of ‘℮.’
To mark the official physical release of his debut album, ℮, Ecco2k has delivered an evocative visual for “Security!”
Revisiting the Mechatok and Gud produced track from his 2019 studio project, the rising Swedish artist performs a reflection of his feelings about perfection and life. Utilizing a teamLab installation, Ecco2k creates an isolated and illuminated “Bliss Field,” referencing an ongoing theme in his music videos. The self-edited visual also builds on the mixture of lyricism and enthralling performance seen in Ecco2k’s live set through subtitling with sporadic cuts.
Watch the music video for Ecco2k’s “Security!” off of ℮, above.
For more music news, Drake’s engineer recently revealed the rapper is almost done with his new album.