Galerie Templon to Present Chiharu Shiota's Sprawling Woven Works
As part of a forthcoming show called “Inner Universe.”

Galerie Templon in Paris will showcase signature woven works by celebrated Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota as part of a forthcoming exhibition entitled “Inner Universe.” These works expand upon the artist’s ongoing exploration of self-identity, the finiteness of existence, and eternity.
Shiota will unveil two new site-specific installations developed using her tight weaving techniques. Additionally, her signature box-like sculptures of red, white and black threads will also be on display. “The mysterious boxes deconstruct our conception of the body: levitating clothes, anatomy books, personal belongings,” expressed the gallery in a statement. “As if crystallized in these tight weavings, they bear witness to everyday life while raising universal, metaphysical questions.”
The centerpiece of the exhibition is a sprawling installation comprised of sheets of paper that spiral upwards to the gallery’s glass roof. This monumental work reflects the artist’s examination of death as “a stage in the cycle of life, the accession to a larger dimension.”
“Inner Universe” will be open to the public from May 30 until July 25 at the address below. Visit Galerie Templon’s website for further details.
Elsewhere in art, Robin F. Williams celebrates Earth Day with a contemplative Earth Prayer print made in collaboration with Pace Prints.
Galerie Templon
28 rude du Grenier Saint-Lazare
Paris, France 75003