Broken SEGA Dreamcast Dev Kit Reveals Unreleased 'Simpsons Bug Squad' Game
Taking us back to the year 2000.
A Dreamcast-Talk user by the name of Sreak has just uncovered some interesting retro-gaming news. After posting files from an old and broken dev kit for the SEGA Dreamcast, a user quickly found that one of the files contained a mysterious and unreleased Simpsons game titled The Simpsons Bug Squad!
Hosted on the DreamcasticChannel, the incomplete gameplay footage shows the classic vivid colors from The Simpsons as you play as a fly that glides around the Simpsons’ house with Homer patroling at random. Most likely a demo, this unreleased Red Lemon Studios-developed game from the year 2000 can be viewed in the video above.
Retro game collectors may want to consider selling their consoles and video games as memorabilia is the new way to invest.