Emotionally Unavailable and Medicom Toy Ready Latest Light-Up 1000% BE@RBRICK
The two’s sixth BE@RBRICK collaboration.

Expanding upon a rich collaborative relationship, Emotionally Unavailable and Medicom Toy have readied their latest BE@RBRICK collaboration, a red light-up 1000% figure. The two’s second light-up 1000% following a clear version that released in March, this big, bold BE@RBRICK marks EU and Medicom’s sixth total collaboration on the beloved figure.
Constructed of rouge-tinted translucent plastic from head to toe, the figure puts its inner workings on full display with a large dripping heart — one of the Edison Chen and Kybum “KB” Lee-helmed outfit’s signature motifs — that can be illuminated with the flick of a switch. There’s also something of a DIY element to the design, as all of its seams, pivot points, reinforced pieces and familiar angles are on full display.
Those interested in purchasing the Emotionally Unavailable x Medicom Toy 1000% BE@RBRICK must enter a raffle on the Emotionally Unavailable webstore, which will only run from 11 AM PST-12 PM PST on Friday, November 27. Winners will be announced on Saturday, November 28 and will be able to purchase the piece of heartfelt home decor for $950 USD.
A wide swath of BE@RBRICKs have been revealed lately as well: Shaquille O’Neal and Allen Iverson were recently transformed into matching 400% and 100% sets, as were 1964’s reptilian Godzilla and mechanical Mechagodzilla.