Kaja Haven Builds Enormous Persian Cat for Copenhagen Music Festival
Set with laser machine eyes.
Kaja Haven’s giant ‘Laser Cat’ watched over Copenhagen Distortion, signaling the artist’s largest installation to date. The Persian cat sat atop shipping containers on the grounds of the city’s 5-day music festival, transitioning from a massive temporary sculpture during the day to a party animal and source of light at night.
Made with 9,000 plastic bags over a steel structure, ‘Laser Cat’ illuminated the festival’s nighttime activities with its color-changing laser machine eyes. Kaja Haven’s five-month-long project, with an additional month to fully construct it, emphasizes her work as a multidiscplinary artist whose artwork blurs the boundaries between fantasy and reality. ‘Laser Cat’ transforms a common household animal into a colossal sculptural piece, giving it an ability that does not exist in reality, yet covering it with plastic bags that are so familiar to everyday life. The final piece is one that contains juxtapositions of form, materiality and meaning.
The installation lasted from May 31 to June 2 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Elsewhere in art, teamLab created a digital installation in an abandoned Japanese bath house.