Arca & Shayne Oliver Return as Wench With Two New Music Videos
A follow-up to last year’s “Sick.”
Arca and Hood by Air‘s Shayne Oliver return as Wench over a year later to drop two new music videos, Sick and Elmo, both streaming on TIDAL. Sick follows the day in the life of a presumed queer street girl with Elmo featuring Oliver tied to a metal cage waiting to be whipped, reflecting the act of bondage as the phrase “tickle me” can be heard.
Singer touched on the narrative of Sick saying: “Sometimes we see people whose identities alarm us because they’re exotic, and what I wanted to do was represent a different way of being and give that value and weight on screen. I wanted to create something that was very specific in its perspective. We never see who our character is speaking to or if there’s anyone present. It’s purely psychological in its impression of her world. I find the mania that the character exhibits to be comforting.”
For Elmo Singer continues: “This was Shayne’s performance piece, which we shot in the basement of his office. The goal was to create something kinetic while rarely moving the camera. I found Shayne’s performance to be fearless and inspiring, and I just wanted to capture it in the most visually compelling way that I could.” Watch the videos above and below and leave your thoughts in the comments.