Skrillex on Deadmau5: "He’s an Asshole"
Skrillex on Deadmau5: “He’s an Asshole”

It seems as though there is something in the air as the feud news keeps rolling in. Breaking from the rampant Drake vs. Meek Mill fiasco, well-known DJ-producer Skrillex spilled some intimate details about his relationship with the always opinionated Joel Zimmerman aka Deadmau5. In an interview with New York’s AMP 92.3, Skrillex, though diverting criticism of the Mau5 directly, had some very candid words to say about his actions and his recent “negative” attitude. Check out an excerpt of the exchange and check out Deadmau5’s responses via Twitter below.
“I’ll always have love for Joel because he put me on at an early time, but he’s an asshole. And everyone knows that, and he knows that. And that’s kinda his thing. I mean, the one thing that is unfortunate about it is that he has a record label. And when you have a record label, you gotta be a leader. And he has people that are like signed to him. And I couldn’t imagine being a leader, you know, going out in the public image being such a negative attitude…I don’t take it personally because I’m secure with myself and what I do, I love what I do. But I almost feel bad that that’s his one way of getting attention rather than going into music and curating. I think his attitude’s changed over the last couple years. I personally have become less connected to his music because his personality is almost overshadowing that, when he is such an incredible artist.”
dont really give a fuck tbh.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) August 12, 2015
he should have brought that up when i released his first album for him. whatever. you like what you like.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) August 12, 2015
at the end of the fucking day, if im "miserable / moody / negative" then thats just me dealing with or not dealing internal shit.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) August 12, 2015
yes. im aware that i can be a fucking diva. yes i am aware than i have more than one complex. very fucking aware.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) August 12, 2015
the people you should REALLY fucking worry about, are the people who dont know it.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) August 12, 2015
so YES @skrillex im SUPER SAD im not as cheerful, and super inspired by life like you. and im so SORRY im an asshole. but how about…
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) August 12, 2015
you let me worry about that shit.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) August 12, 2015
some peopl, don't want to be helped. im scraping by life with my fuckin insecurities and successes just fiiiine.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) August 12, 2015
now, give it a fucking rest and talk about cats or some shit so i can go build a PC.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) August 12, 2015