Business of HYPE With jeffstaple, Episode 12: Live at WeWork Creator Awards
Jeff is joined by designer Benny Gold, Boss Babe founder Natalie Ellis and dancer/fashion designer Dusty Button.
Business of HYPE is a weekly series brought to you by HYPEBEAST Radio and hosted by jeffstaple. It’s a show about creatives, brand-builders and entrepreneurs and the realities behind the dreams they’ve built. On this week’s special live episode, Jeff hosts a panel discussion with designer Benny Gold, Boss Babe founder Natalie Ellis and dancer/founder of Bravado Dancewear Dusty Button at the WeWork Creator Awards in San Francisco, California.
So what does a streetwear designer, a tech entrepreneur, a dancer and WeWork have in common? They’re all disrupters in the creative community. While some may not associate creatives with entrepeneurial disrupters, Jeff opens up by likening this comparison to his own career. “To me,” says Jeff, “being that I’ve been doing this for 20 years now, I’ve always felt like I was disrupting. I think just by nature of being a creative you’re going against the norm as it is on an everyday basis. [...] The norm is sort of like just get a job, just do a 9-5, plug into the system, be a good boy and good girl, and don’t make a lot of noise.”
From there, our host speaks with each guest individually, asking them about their path out of the “norm” and into the creative world of their passion. Later, Jeff, Benny, Natalie and Dusty all field questions from the audience. Among them, one attendee asks about dealing with roadblocks, both creatively and in business. “I think roadblocks are good,” says Natalie of Boss Babe. “I think they’re a good thing because if you don’t have roadblocks that means you’re too comfortable, and the minute you’re too comfortable, you kind of stop creating.”
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