Offset Jim Is the Bay's Smoothest Hustler on "Charisma Freestyle"
Real West Coast money-making music.
California’s Play Runners Association movement is deeper than its current reigning underground king ALLBLACK: his close friend and creative collaborator Offset Jim has already generated a solid wave of buzz with just a few records and some impressive guest appearances. Now, branching out on his own and expanding the Play Runners Association’s reach, the Oakland rapper serves up a new solo effort.
Titled “Charisma Freestyle,” Offset Jim’s latest solo record perfectly presents his entire musical style: the stone-faced, money-always-on-mind hustler who comes from the old-school and raps like he’s currently enjoying a takeout containber full of crab legs, steak and lobster as he spit — all the while delicately balancing a small Styrofoam cup of iced Hennessy as he lays back in a limo-tinted Range Rover and lets his cash counter organize his Franklins. He’ll serve you one hour and stomp you out the next, and he won’t even get a single stain on his freshly-bought designer sweatsuit. The Bay Area has an illustrious, inimitable history of money-making mob music, and Offset Jim is ready to carry the torch for that art. Basically, think of him like the Young Jeezy of the New Bay.
You can check out Offset Jim’s @Voice02Hard-directed “Charisma Freestyle” video above, and expect much more heat from him in the coming months.
For more reports from the frontlines of the “New West” scene, check out our exclusive visual recap of R. Baron and Red Bull Music’s Ron-Ron & Friends event.