New 'Cyberpunk 2077' Trailer Offers a High-Octane Taste of the Future
The future is here and it’s shiny.
Following up an impressive trailer released back in 2013, The Witcher developer CD Projekt Red took to E3 2018 to offer an updated look at Cyberpunk 2077.
The trailer serves to set up the environment of the upcoming futuristic game, using narration from the protagonist to anchor the game in the hands of the player. Drawing from pop culture’s view of the future, the world of Cyberpunk 2077 is built around a city with a ”sky-high rate of violence” and “more people living below the poverty line than anywhere else.” High-octane and shiny, quick cuts of vice and debauchery show a world where anything can happen.
Check out the trailer above and stay tuned for the release of Cyberpunk 2077 on Microsoft Xbox One, Windows 10 PC and Sony PlayStation 4.
For more gaming news, Capcom recently officially announced the release date of Devil May Cry 5 at E3 2018.