UPDATE: 'Fortnite' Is Crossing Over With 'Avengers: Infinity War'
There’s now gameplay footage of the Mad Titan.
UPDATE: Thanos has been revealed and is equipped with super jumps, a power beam, shield regeneration, and more. Additionally, if you are responsible for eliminating Thanos, you receive the Infinity Gauntlet next with the Mad Titan’s abilities. View above.
The current biggest video game and the biggest movie will join forces in a crossover epic. Fortnite‘s upcoming limited mashup, available May 8, will feature Infinity War‘s Thanos alongside the Infinity Gauntlet, where 1 of the 100 players will be able to find the latter and turn into the purple wrecking machine himself.
Although the nearly limitless possibilities for player abilities have yet to be revealed, the announcement boasts whoever turns to Thanos will possess “all the power that comes with him.” This is the first time Epic Games has tried its hand at branded content and goes well with its superhero-labeled fourth season.
In related news, Fortnite players completely filled in “Dusty Divot” crater during a live game.
The battle begins tomorrow… pic.twitter.com/NQ9BDH2BeG
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) May 7, 2018