Uncaged Hero Spotlight: Mei Segev is Changing the World Through Her Music
“When I play music, I am expressing all my life experiences.”

Music is the powerful thread that allows people to foster deep emotional experiences while creating stories that we may empathize with. Though when its dynamism is harnessed, it can be the catalyst for evoking great change. Mei Segev understands its power and has allowed it to become the undeniable force that inspires her life. As an internationally renowned violinist, she uses the instrument as a tool to craft emotive pieces that coalesce her experiences and cultural heritage while connecting with listeners. The multi-faceted musician doesn’t rely solely on her sonic prowess, though, as she has intertwined visual elements revolving around art and fashion within her performances. With her creative and altruistic spirit, she captures the essence of a Tiger Beer Uncaged Hero.
Similar to some of her Uncaged cohorts, through her tenacity she has progressed from being an unknown creative, fighting tooth-and-nail against rejection, to now emotionally touching many throughout the world. However, she has not forgotten her history as she has devoted herself to fostering a foundation for fledgling artists to display their work and gain notoriety.
(I) would rather work with unknown artists so they can be given an opportunity where they are highly acclaimed in their own right.
As a member of the Uncaged, Mei stands as an exemplary figure that shows through her determination and willpower you too can achieve your dreams and positively change the world. And no matter how small the output or whatever the creative medium, you have the ability to uncage your imagination.
To learn more about her endeavors, watch her video below and visit Mei Segev’s website. Also, be sure to submit your music, if you’re in the US, to Uncaged Nights’ website, and to learn more about The Uncaged Campaign, check Tiger Beer’s website .