OK Go Shoots Their Latest Music Video in Zero Gravity
Shot in one take without the help of any green screens or VFX.

OK Go has made a name for themselves for their technically intricate yet perfect music videos, with each successive video managing somehow to surpass the complexity of the last. This latest music video for Upside Down and Inside Out is no different, with the band taking their antics into zero gravity at the edge of space to create a literally out-of-this-world viewing experience. The routine itself took months to plan and set up, with OK Go spending three weeks at Russia’s Cosmonaut Training Center to prepare. This involved a total of 21 flights and 15 zero gravity parabolas per flight, totalling two hours and 15 minutes in weightlessness. The actual shooting of the music video took a further eight flights aboard S7 Airlines before they were able to capture what you see above in one take. Take a look at how the behind-the-scenes panned out by clicking here.