Check Out All Submissions from Skypixel and DJI's Aerial Photography Competition
Humbling shots that make you feel small.

DJI and Skypixel has just announced the winner for the 2017 aerial photography competition, revealing breathtaking views of the earth from above. Each year, contests like this reveal incredible scenes from the natural world that would otherwise remain hidden. The contest features both professional and enthusiast winners within the following categories: landscape, portrait, story, as well as a popular prize. Photographer Florian Ledoux took home the grand prize for his photo titled “Above the Polar Bear” — on which he made the following statement.
Dear future generation, I hope we will still be able to see the Arctic wildlife as we do now. It is threatened as the environment is changing. I was able to witness many scenes of wildlife and I can guarantee you this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Incredible and unique shot above a polar bear in Nunavut, Baffin area during wildlife reportage in Nunavut and Greenland.
To see the full list of winners, and technical descriptions, head over to the Skypixel site now.