Burial’s New Record 'Young Death' Accidentally Sold in Toronto
The Black Friday rush was to blame for the error.

A shop accidentally sold a new Burial 12” called Young Death during Black Friday last week. The records were put on sale at Toronto’s Sonic Boom, according to a quote given to Pitchfork, because of “a misunderstanding.” Blair Whatmore, a record buyer at the shop, elaborated further by saying “[The box the records came in] said ‘artist/title,’ [so] we assumed it was a Black Friday secret listing. It wasn’t really clear to us that we weren’t supposed to be selling it.”
They sold five copies of what would be Burial’s first release of 2016, which led to the new LP being listed on Discogs. It’s not difficult to see why the record was so sought after, with the last time he made any sort of musical appearance being on a collaboration with Zomby and, prior to that release, he hadn’t put out music in over a year.