'Game of Thrones' Showrunners Say All Hell Will Break Loose in Season 7
Dany finally lands in Westeros, House Stark reunites and more.

Game of Thrones fans have been clamoring for an official trailer for the long-awaited seventh season of the beloved franchise. HBO finally dropped an extensive clip this past Wednesday which offers a glimpse of several major characters as well as epic battle sequences. GoT showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss recently sat down with Entertainment Weekly, revealing more details about the forthcoming installment.
“I know you probably get sick of hearing us say this, we say it every year, but everybody steps up their game this season,” Benioff says. “It’s kind of astounding to us. In every department, from the acting to the effects, everybody constantly improves.” Weiss added: “What’s most exciting this season is being able to play interactions between various characters that for years we haven’t been able to play.” Moreover, co-executive producer Bryan Cogman professed,“Dany in Westeros makes Game of Thrones a new show.”
What do we legitimately know so far? Daenerys is finally in Westeros and her arrival will surely spark an all-out war with Cersei. In the north, the Night King and his horde of White Walkers pace towards The Wall, but of course, Jon Snow and company will perhaps make desperate attempts to stop them from wreaking havoc on the Seven Kingdoms.
Accompanying the brief interview, House Stark devotees will find it heartwarming to see the northern family reunite in this fearless series of EW covers. Hopefully, this family reunion won’t be their last. Check out the covers below and expect Game of Thrones season 7 to launch July 16 on HBO.