'Forbes' Names the World's Most Reputable Companies in 2017
The top 100 making impact.

Forbes has recently announced its annual list of the World’s Most Reputable Companies for 2017. Complied with the help of The Reputation Institute, the list highlights the top 100 companies based on feedback collected from over 170,000 respondents familiar with the brands. The Reputation Institute also tracks the company’s perception in seven categories, products & services, innovation, workplace, governance, citizenship, leadership and performance, scoring them under the RepTrak Pulse measurement system.
For the second time in a row, Swiss timepiece aficionados Rolex tops the list with a RepTrak Pulse score of 80.38. Following in second is the LEGO Group with 79.19; The Walt Disney Company with 79.19; Canon with 78.28; and Google with 78.22. This latest ranking is based on surveys collected in Q1. Take a look at the top 10 below, and head over to Forbes for the full 100.
Forbes also named 2017’s “Hip-Hop Cash Princes.”
The World’s Most Reputable Companies in 2017 – RepTrak Pulse Score
1. Rolex (80.38)
2. LEGO Group (79.46)
3. The Walt Disney Company (79.19)
4. Canon (78.28)
5. Google (78.22)
6. Bosch (78.13)
7=. Sony (77.74)
7=. Intel (77.74)
9. Rolls-Royce Aerospace (77.66)
10. adidas (77.27)