This Documentary Gives Us a Nostalgic Look at the World of Movie Posters
“It’s an art that’s pretty much dead. The studios aren’t hiring illustrators anymore.”
If your fascination with films goes beyond the screen, then you’re probably also into the artwork that surrounds some of your favorite titles — specifically, movie posters. 24X36: A Movie About Movie Posters is a documentary that gives valuable insight about the art form. The industry has changed since its inception as earlier promotional materials were meticulously illustrated by talented artists. In comparison to present times, most of the posters we now see are heavily computer generated and Photoshopped. Luckily, the film introduces filmmakers, artists and experts who divulge on how things have changed and will continue to change for the movie poster medium. According to director Kevin Burke: “Through interviews with art personalities from the past four decades, 24 x 36 examines the birth, death and resurrection of illustrated movie poster art.” Take a peek at the trailer above and let us know some of your favorite movie posters of all time in the comments.
The film will premiere during Fantastic Fest at Austin, Texas’s Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar cinema from Sept. 22 to Sept. 29.