Ben Yang Talks Approach to Superism and Departure From His Ben Baller Alter Ego
Many are called, few are chosen.

Ben Yang’s first foray into clothing has been a long time coming. Despite breaking into the mainstream by customizing jewellery pieces for A-list celebrities and artists alike, the Los Angeles native has been in and around the game long enough to write a book on the history of streetwear. Prior to establishing himself as the go-to jeweller in Hollywood, Ben Yang was part of the legendary Air Mack$ Crew and a record executive with 20 Platinum album credits from the likes of JAY Z and Dr. Dre, not to mention the owner of one of the biggest sneaker collections in the game. Now, with a lifetime supply of knowledge on the market, the K-Town hustler recently launched Superism, a label of premium wardrobe essentials that aims to bridge the gap between the “Dior suit and just some J. Crew chinos.” His clothing line’s future looks bright, in part due to his track record of turning just about everything into gold, but also because of his fresh approach to contemporary streetwear, and relentless work ethic and perseverance. Coinciding with the launch of the brand on HBX, we sat down with Ben Yang to talk his extensive history in fashion, approach to design and departing from his Ben Baller alter ego.
Having been in jewelry for so long, what made you decide to make the jump to fashion?
I didn’t necessarily jump into fashion, I come from a family of fashion. My sister has undoubtedly been the top men’s stylist for the last 17 years and also ran a high-fashion magazine. My mother has been in the garment business for over 25 years. I’ve been affiliated with Diamond Supply over the years and was also a part of LRG. My best friend Jonas was the co-founder/owner of the brand and we discussed starting a high-end line in 2008. This has been a long time coming.
I’m sure you’ve had the opportunity to start a clothing brand for years. Why now?
There’s been a lack of inspiration in the jewelry world. It’s oversaturated and ever since I gave birth to a nation of unorthodox jewelers, that world has been heavily inundated with imitators. It was beyond time for me to do what I’ve wanted to do for the last decade. I’ve always wanted to start my own line.
What would you say are the difference and similarities of working in jewelry to now in clothing?
I’m part of the design aspect of Superism with the help of a design team whereas IF & Co. I’m almost solely responsible for the innovative designs we have done. With that being said, it’s really cool to see the apparel process and see how similar it is to when I started designing a ring or pendant and the outcome is just as I expected. Obviously, jewelry is a lot quicker and there no seasons involved and I don’t have to predict the future. Another similarity is, of course, I’m dealing with the top percentile including major celebrities in both fields. Right now, I’m just having a lot more fun with my clothing brand than jewelry.
How did the name “Superism” come about?
We wanted to create a name that people with like minded-struggles and triumphs can relate to. Superism is not just a title, name or label, it’s a way of thinking .We have become our inherent selves through our struggles and our darkest hours. With courage and perseverance, we pick ourselves up after each defeat and tackle whatever comes our way with an undying desire to move forward, over and over again, because without downfall there can be no triumph.
How would you describe the brand and the products?
Superism is the most perfect upscale casual brand in the market right now. It’s really effortless putting together a Superism outfit. The most important things to me are quality, the way it feels and the way it fits. Those were my top priorities with Superism. Superism makes it easy for the older guys to look cool and it also is easy for the younger guys to step their game up.
When we think about Ben Yang, we think about the bling and luxury lifestyle, why did you decide to take a more casual approach to the designs with Superism?
Let me correct you, when you think of Ben Yang, you may think of him as a father, husband and entrepreneur. When you think of Ben Baller, you may think of his persona as part obnoxious and part opulent but there’s been a big transition from Ben Baller to Ben Yang. This is just my first collection and what I want to introduce to people, first and foremost, is that I am presenting a real fashion brand not a graphic tee and hoodie brand. I want to find the happy medium between the Dior suit and just some J. Crew chinos so when you step out of the Wraith, you still look the part.
We’ve never seen Ian Connor in this style. Ian Connor for Superism, how’d that come about?
Ian Connor was introduced to me by A$AP Rocky at my birthday dinner. I said, “You hot right now,” and he said, “Appreciate it but I’ve been knowing about you since I was 13 years old, checking out your Myspace page as inspiration.” I was gifting some Superism clothes and I asked Rocky and Ian, “Would you fuck with this?” Ian tried on our trench coat and said, “I’ll wear this right now.” So as the weeks went on, we built a relationship and every time I saw him I brought a few new pieces until Rocky and I thought it would be a good idea to change up the look that Ian’s been known for and throw him in Superism. We decided to shoot and the shots came out fucking amazing. In that one shoot, Ian connected the millennial streetwear cats to grown men high-fashion.
Being tightly knit in the entertainment industry, do you plan to collaborate or work with artists and musicians on Superism?
I have no interest in collaborating with any musicians at the moment. I don’t want our brand to have any kind of trendy feel to it. I want everything to feel like updated classics like when you remodel a classic home with all the modern fixings. Superism isn’t going be a celebrity-driven brand it will be design-driven. The only collaborations we’re in talks with are cool, established brands but don’t get me wrong, having Christian Bale to someone like Ian Connor wearing your clothes is always a good look.
A lot of clothing labels coming from entertainment folks struggle to stay relevant once the allure of the name behind the brand wears off, how do you plan to stay keep Superism fresh?
First off, everything I have ever touched and put full effort into has been successful. A lot of people from entertainment became famous, had stylists tell them what to wear and didn’t know what they even liked themselves. They were told what they liked. I like to say I’ve always been an innovator, early on in streetwear and with a lot inspiration and help from my older sister who dresses people like George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves and Denzel Washington. Again, I’m not trying to force feed or force anything. I really just want to bring timeless clothing to the next level. I’m just here to modernize classic fits.
What’s next for the brand, what can we expect with the next collection? Collaborations?
We’re finally caught up to seasons. Our summer is fresh, fall is amazing and spring 2017 is going to blow your minds. We have a secret weapon up our sleeves but right now, it’s not time to show you that ace. We definitely have a few collabs in the works but you know those take a little time. Again, I’m in no rush; I’m here to win the marathon not the sprints.